A last minute correspondence with Thomas at night and we decided to try out Bukit Tinggi for the star birds as well as looking out for the hornbills. Up in the highland resort, we managed to secured our targets almost instantly without much effort. I took a few shots and short video of Mountain Peacock Pheasant and Ferruginous Partridge. I don't a tripod, but the newly acquired CX 70-300mm lens allow me to record short video on the Nikon V1. Below shows my very first photographic record of the lovely partridge!
Ferruginous Partridge (Nikon V1 + Nikon CX 70-300mm)
Tiger Shrike (Nikon V1 + Nikon CX 70-300mm)
After leaving the stakeout, we walked towards the nursery but did not find anything interesting. However, I heard Bushy-crested Hornbill calling but we could not locate the bird. Driving down away from the botanical garden / japanese garden, Thomas spotted 2 "big" birds far away. We took some photos and realized that it is the Bushy-crested Hornbill! We were simply amazed by the sighting and did not even got enough time to take any photographs when they flew passed us. I was not able to get the Nikon1 combo to focus quick enough so no chance for showing any good photo here. Then, we drove down to Lanchang / Krau forest.
When we arrived at the location, it was generally quiet. Well it was midday anyway, I was not expecting heavy bird activities but we did pretty here. The birds eventually came and yes it came close to us. With the Nikon1 combo, I was enjoying shooting the birds.
Black-throated Babbler (Nikon V1 + Nikon CX 70-300mm)
Black-throated Babbler came much later but it performed very well for us. I would prefer a better pose but maybe next time. Two of the following photos shows a Grey-cheeked Bulbul which is one of the 2 common species that keep coming back to us.
Hairy-backed Bulbul (Nikon V1 + Nikon CX 70-300mm)
For a moment, it was too quiet and I stood up and walked a few steps away. Looked around and suddenly spotted a lonely Rufous-collared Kingfisher not too far away. Even with a lot of obstacles in front of the subject, I can still get a focus on the kingfisher (AF set to single point).
Rufous-collared Kingfisher (Nikon V1 + Nikon CX 70-300mm)
Yellow-bellied Bulbul (Nikon V1 + Nikon CX 70-300mm)

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