I was pretty impressed with the outcome from the shots taken with the Nikon1 V1 with FT-1 adapter on a Nikon 70-200mm f2.8 this week. Actually the trip up to the highland was not a dedicated bird photography trip, but I really want to test out the combo set on a tripod. During after-lunch break, I took out the equipment and just shoot from the balcony.
The only cooperative bird around were swallow and a flycatcher. I realized even with the 2.7x crop factor on the Nikon1 is not sufficient, so I took out the Kenko 1.4x teleconverter. The focusing speed was not too bad at all. I am sure this is due to the good lighting.
Not forgetting that this time around, I was using an old digiscoping cable bracket and mechanical shutter cable. The bracket was attached to the FT-1 adapter. Not too bad combination and it works.
While I keep shooting the flycatcher, suddenly came a Javan Cuckooshrike which perch above eye level and against the bright sky. Tested out the shot with increased EV +1 and eventually requires post editing works.

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