A planned trip to the botanical garden in Shah Alam had to be diverted to a nearby public garden. I was hoping to test the Nikon V1 with the Sigma 500mm f4.5 lens but unfortunately, it did not materialize today. There were times that owls can be seen roosting in this public garden previously, but not today. After a brief walk, there were calls of woodpeckers and it turn out to be a pair of Common Flameback. This pair was really cooperative and became the best subject to photography today.
The above image shows a female bird which stayed quite long on this branch for me to readjust me position and settings before pressing the shutter (Oh, did I mentioned that I was using the mechanical shutter cable again?). The cable is definitely a good accessory to have and as an alternative to wireless remote and shutter button on the small camera body.
Both of the following photographs were cropped to show a portrait view of the male Common Flameback.
If you haven't test out a Nikon1 V series, I recommend you to borrow it from a friend or buy an used camera body online. The setup maybe clumsy as compared to a dedicated full frame or crop factor DSLR body, but in good light, one will be rewarded with above satisfactory shots!

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