As expected, the trip to Fraser's Hill provided exciting experience as usual. This Orange-breasted Trogon is one of the few trogons we saw in 2 days along with other colorful avian species up at the hill station. I was carrying a Nikon 70-200mm f2.8 VR attached to a Nikon V1 + FT1 adapter. Instead of having the camera strap on the V1 body, I tied it to the Arca Swiss plate that is always on the lens. This way, I could have the camera with me all the times when going out to the field.
This combination for hand held action is excellent for birder who has limited budget like myself. But I am now considering to put aside the 70-200mm lens and bring the CX 70-300mm VR which is lighter and practical for me. Watch out for my upcoming posts.

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